SELECT Description AS Description,Keywords AS Keywords, _Index, Follow FROM hu_metadaten WHERE IDT = AND IDD=0
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND IDD=0' at line 2

db_mysql Object ( [strSQL_CMD:protected] => SELECT Description AS Description,Keywords AS Keywords, _Index, Follow FROM hu_metadaten [strSQL_Where:protected] => WHERE IDT = AND IDD=0 [strSQL_Group:protected] => [strSQL_Order:protected] => [strSQL_Limit:protected] => [strSQL:protected] => SELECT Description AS Description,Keywords AS Keywords, _Index, Follow FROM hu_metadaten WHERE IDT = AND IDD=0 [Res:protected] => [DEBUG:protected] => [connID] => Resource id #1 ) 1

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